- By Captain Greg
Health Benefits of Boating
Research has shown getting out on the water in a boat promotes a state of wellness, with various emotional, physiological, and behavioral benefits. Over 60% of Canadians report that they go to work each day stressed, and boating may just be the perfect way to unwind, relax, and social distance.
Our life started in a womb or tiny sea of fluid, so it’s interesting to note that scientific studies have proven that water does have a restorative effect on both body and mind.

In today’s digitally-focused world, there’s something so undeniably satisfying about sending an “out of office” notification and taking a timeout from the demands of everyday life. It takes the pleasure of “disconnecting” to new levels. Something magical happens when you leave the dock leaving the stresses behind. You won’t be the least bit worried about battery percentage and forgetting to bring your cell phone when anchored off a beach when the reception is difficult anyways. Ultimately, the best way to relax and totally enjoy yourself is to completely unplug.
Exercising is a major part of an overall healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, a yacht excursion gives you easy access to a number of fun physical activities such as snorkeling, swimming, water skiing, wakeboarding, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, onboard yoga, and scenic hiking ashore.

Coldwater Dips
One thing we can all relate to living around the Great Lakes is that refreshing swim, whether from an accidental tumble or intentional. Swimming in cold water acts as a mild “stressor” that triggers a rush of adrenalin and activates the immune system. The adrenalin makes us feel more “alive” and acts as a natural painkiller by diverting our attention away from our aches and pains. Research by NASA has shown that regular swimming in cold water brings down blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, and encourages the healthier distribution of fat. It also suggests that cold water swimmers might have better sex lives since splashing around in all that cold water apparently increases the levels of testosterone in men and estrogen in women.
Boating triggers a restful state of mind and it provides the means to get outside of daily routines, allowing our brains to reset triggering a more peaceful feeling. Boaters already know that being on a boat promotes wellbeing through awe and wonder, creativity and play, happiness, and relaxation. This is one of the best ways we know to fully “recharge”, both mentally and physically.
Sunshine Vitamins
Obviously, too much sun is not recommended, but soaking up some sunshine is actually good for you. In addition to increased production of vitamin D, sunlight exposure also triggers better moods and a boost in energy. Healthy amounts of sun absorption can even fight depression and lead to improved sleep.

Build Relationships
Whether you’re on a romantic getaway for two or in the company of friends and family, boating for the day provides the perfect opportunity for building stronger interpersonal relationships with those that matter most. This is your chance to talk, listen, share, bond, and most importantly—make new unforgettable memories together. You may even establish a new tradition that everyone can look forward to year after year.
As is often said, travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer. Aside from the obvious escape from daily life, there are proven health benefits of sailing that make a yacht especially worthy of your time away from home. Here are just a few ways that your mind, body, and soul will reap the rewards of being aboard your own private boat, in a top bucket list destination, in the company of those you cherish most.

Salt Therapy
Whether it’s the negative ions in the air, potassium in the water, or the freedom from everyday life, being at sea is good for you. There is something euphoric and elemental about being out at sea. The freedom of life at sea can have health benefits for both the mind and body. The benefits of being on, near, or in the sea have been felt since ancient times. Both the Greeks and Romans used salt to exfoliate the skin and took baths in warm salt water to help them relax.
The chemical makeup of seawater is remarkably similar to that of humans. Its high levels of salt (3.5 percent) and potassium (1.1 percent) encourage healing, which can cure skin complaints such as psoriasis, while its magnesium content (3.7 percent) helps the skin retain moisture and become more flexible. The healing qualities of seawater are further proven with science hat seawater is good for dermatitis, while researchers at the University of Alicante have recently demonstrated that it boosts the immune system and guards the body against viruses and bacteria.
Being by the sea also helps our brains function better. Sea air is full of negative ions that increase the body’s ability to absorb oxygen, which in turn makes us feel more energized. Negative ions also help balance the body’s levels of serotonin – the chemical that controls mood – to guard against depression. There are also theories that the color blue is intrinsically calming, that the twinkling patterns made by the sun’s reflections on the sea are somehow soothing, and that the repetitive sound of waves breaking makes us feel more relaxed.
*Featured Image Courtesy of NMMA*
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